Mumbai, Oct 11 (WISHAVWARTA /IANS) Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who joined the league of superstars with the earth-shattering success of his movie ‘Animal’, sought blessings from Goddess Durga on Thursday in the city. He offered prayers at the Durga Puja Pandal in Mumbai on Saptami, where he also met actress Rani Mukerji who is a regular at the Durga Puja pandal. The two hugged as they attended the festivities. While Ranbir was dressed in a grey coloured shirt and white pants, Rani opted for a yellow coloured saree for the occasion. The Durga Mahotsav pandal itself was a sight to behold, and was decorated with vibrant flowers and traditional motifs. The idol of Goddess Durga, adorned with magnificent ornaments, served as the centrepiece. The event, which brings together thousands of devotees every year, saw the two actors joining the festivities in a candid and respectful manner, adding a touch of star power to the traditional rituals. After offering his prayers, Ranbir waved to his fans at the event and also clicked pictures with them. Meanwhile, on the work front, Ranbir has two big films in the pipeline, ‘Love & War’ for which he is reuniting with his mentor Sanjay Leela Bhansali after the former’s debut movie ‘Saawariya’ (it also starred Rani Mukerji). He will be seen with his wife Alia Bhatt in the film alongside his ‘Sanju’ co-star Vicky Kaushal. He also has the screen adaptation of the Indian epic ‘Ramayana’ which is helmed by the National Award-winning filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari, and Ravi Udyawar. The film also stars Sai Pallavi in the role of Sita, and the Kannada superstar Yash in the role of Lankesh. Rani, on her part, was recently feted with the award for Best Actress at the 24th edition of International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA). –Ranbir Kapoor offers prayers at Durga pandal, hugs Rani Mukerji
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